
¡Ups! Sorprenden a Taylor Swift besando a conocido actor británico

Hace un par de semanas el mundo del espectáculo se sorprendía con la noticia del término de la relación entre Taylor Swift y el DJ Calvin Harris después de un año y medio juntos -conoce más detalles aquí-. Y aunque en un comienzo se comentó que la cantante estaba muy afectada por esta decisión, al parecer la tristeza ya habría pasado.

Durante el fin de semana, la intérprete de «Style» fue fotografiada besándose con el actor Tom Hiddleston en un paseo en la playa. Para la sorpresa de todos, ambos se mostraron muy cercanos, felices, románticos y sin intenciones de esconderse de los paparazzi de la revista «The Sun», por los que fueron sorprendidos.


Según el mismo medio, la cantante conoció al ex protagonista de «Los Vengadores» o «El Rascacielos» durante la Gala Met a principios de mayo. Desde ahí, habrían iniciado una cercanía que los llevó poco a poco a sentir una mutua atracción. «Tom ha estado cortejando a Taylor desde que se conocieron. Le ha mandado flores y se la ganó», señaló una fuente cercana.

Pero eso no es todo, ya que al parecer, Harris se habría enterado de que su ex polola tiene nueva pareja, porque los fanáticos siempre atentos, se dieron cuenta de que el DJ, minutos más tarde de darse a conocer las fotos, bloqueó a Swift de Twitter, dejó de seguir a su ex cuñado en Instagram, borró todas las fotos que tenía junto a ella en redes sociales y eliminó el sincero mensaje que le había dedicado tras su ruptura.

Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI--Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI--Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI--Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI--Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE Taylor Swift was spotted with new love interest, British actor Tom Hiddleston. The two were spotted canoodling on the rocks along the beach in Westerly, RI. In between kissing the two posed for many selfies. Hiddleston, almost 10 years older than Swift, wrapped her in his jacket. The couple walked off the beach holding hands. Photo Location: Westerly RI--Public Beach Captured 9/13/16 Please *EXCLUSIVE PLEASE EMAIL FOR FEES BEFORE USE


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