
¡Impactante! Guagua nace con dos caras y dos cerebros

Esto ocurrió debido a que su gemelo no se desarrolló.

Lore Villadangos |

El hecho que ocurrió en Indonesia, está dando vueltas al mundo. Y es que cuesta creer que un bebe nazca con dos caras y dos cerebros.

¿A qué se debe? A que su gemelo no se desarrolló..Cabe señalar, que sus padres solo se enteraron de la condición de su hijo cuando nació.

Técnicamente es un gemelo siamés, condición que afecta a uno de 250.000 niños. En su cabeza tiene la cara y cerebro de su hermano que no creció, ya que el óvulo de su madre no se dividió por completo durante el embarazo, señaló Daily Mail.

Además el pequeño no puede ser amamantado, por lo que se alimenta de manera externa. Por su situación económica, los padres no están en condiciones de pagarle un tratamiento para salvarlo. 

Para salvar a Gilang, se le tendría que extirpar uno de sus cerebros y rostro, además de parte de su cráneo. Lamentablemente, lo más probable es que muera, por la acumulación de líquido (hidrocefalia) en su cerebro.

#eazy_info #eazy_info #craniofacialduplication #gilangandika #conjoinedtwins#hydrocephalus #batam A baby has been born in Indonesia with two faces because his conjoined twin did not develop properly in the womb. Two-month-old Gilang Andika, from Batam, a city in Indonesia about 20 miles (32km) across the sea from Singapore, has two faces and two brains but just one head. The complication has left him looking disfigured and suffering from a potentially fatal brain condition, which is causing fluid to build up. Although he has just one body with two arms and two legs, Gilang is technically a conjoined twin – a condition which affects one in every 250,000 births. On his head he has the face and brain of a sibling which did not grow its own body in the womb, because their mother’s egg did not completely split in two during pregnancy. His parents, Ernilasari and Mustafa, now desperately want help to save their son’s life after local doctors told them they were unable to operate. Because of his rare predicament, Gilang cannot be breastfed, so has to be fed milk through a tube. And doctors have said he is not likely to live long because of his condition.  The unfortunate infant also has a condition called hydrocephalus, which is caused by a build-up of fluid in the brain.  Many babies who are born with hydrocephalus have long-term brain damage, which can cause learning disabilities, speech, vision or memory problems, or epilepsy. Mother Ernilasari and father Mustafa did not know about their son’s serious illness until he was born by Caesarean section. Parents cannot afford treatment to save their son They want to seek treatment for Gilang, but they don’t have the money. Dr Nenden Ismawati, who looked after Gilang at Awal Bros Hospital in Batam, says it is unlikely doctors will be able to perform surgery. He told Kompas News: ‘Indeed, we suggested [surgery] to one of the hospitals in Jakarta which has better equipment than Awal Bros Hospital, but it also does not mean it he can be operated on right away, because doctors in Jakarta are still discussing the case.’ READ MORE 👇 👇

Una publicación compartida de Eazy (@eazy_info) el 23 Jul, 2018 a las 7:14 PDT

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