
Celebridades se unen en contra de la violencia de género

Equipo FMDOS |

Este 25 de noviembre es el día internacional de la eliminación de la violencia contra las mujeres, donde millones de personas se manifiestan en contra la violencia de género. Es por eso que la diseñadora británica Stella McCartney inició junto a un grupo de celebridades una campaña para que el mundo entero tomara conciencia de esta situación. A través de una «cinta blanca» buscan hacer un llamado hacia el respeto y el amor.


In the U.S. it is estimated that 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted during their university studies. Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Together, let’s raise awareness and fight to stop the violence and abuse worldwide! Show your support with the #WhiteRibbon badge like #GwynethPaltrow. #BeHerVoice #StellaSupport #IDEVAW

Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

@DavidBeckham with our #WhiteRibbon to raise awareness of our quest to Eliminate Violence Against Women. Pick one up in any of our stores worldwide (or find one included in all online orders) and wear it tomorrow to #BeHerVoice. #IDEVAW #StellaSupport Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el


Did you know that 1 in 3 women around the world are beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime? Break the silence with @EllieGoulding and wear your ‪#‎WhiteRibbon to support the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25. #BeHerVoice #StellaSupport #IDEVAW Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

Breaking the silence – not lives. Let’s stop violence against women! @CaraDelevingne supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th with her #WhiteRibbon badge. #BeHerVoice #IDEVAW #StellaSupport

Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

Break the silence, not lives! #DrewBarrymore shows her #WhiteRibbon badge in support of the Interntional Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November. #BeHerVoice #StellaSupport #IDEVAW Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

#JohnnyDepp supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Nov 25th with his #WhiteRibbon badge. #BeHerVoice #StellaSupport #IDEVAW

Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

#PenelopeCruz supports the #WhiteRibbon for Women campaign to eliminate Violence Against Women. #BeHerVoice #IDEVAW #StellaSupport @kering_official Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

Show your #WhiteRibbon badge like Sir @paulmccartney in support of the Elimination of Violence Against Women. #BeHerVoice #IDEVAW #StellaSupport @kering_official

Una foto publicada por Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) el

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